In view of the fact
that many ECON 120 students are having
difficulty reading and retaining Rondo Cameron's
"A Concise Economic
History of the World", I think it would make
sense for us to
downplay that text over the next several weeks.
Instead, I propose
that we focus most of our effort on
Heilbroner & Milberg's "The Making of
Economic Society". That
completed, we could then move on to Daniel
Fusfeld's The
Age of the Economist.
Both Heilbroner and
Fusfeld are very readable and
will provide us with an excellent introduction
to economic history
from the Middle Ages down to the late 20th
Once we have completed
those two short books at a leisurely
pace, we could then return late in the semester,
as time permits,
to only certain highlights from Cameron. By
that time, I would have
posted on this web site a Summary of key points
from Cameron, which
should make things vastly easier. I would
no longer expect you to
master the entire text, conceding that that
original goal was too
Every class is different
and I am trying to adjust my approach
to the background, needs, and goals of this
particular class. I
believe these proposed changes in our course
(the syllabus noted
that changes would likely be made as we progressed
through the
semester) will make for far smoother sailing.
Further, with these
adjustments, I am confident that most Econ
120 students will still learn quite a bit
without feeling
overloaded. And most students should end up
doing fairly well in
the course.
Under this proposal,
we would discuss Heilbroner's chapters 3
& 4 this week.
Let's discuss these
issues on Tuesday.